Technical Sales Engineer
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Lenexa, North America
The global population continues to rise and the world’s supply of vital proteins, minerals, fuel and other essentials are increasingly under pressure. Making more efficient use of these limited resources is crucial for our shared future.
Although not familiar to the general public, “rendering” and related processes are essential in squeezing more nutrition and other value out of the resources the world has at hand.
Instead of simply discarding and throwing away the many kinds of leftovers and residue from processing different kinds of meat, poultry and fish, Haarslev processing technology breaks this potentially valuable material down into its many constituent parts – including proteins, minerals, ingredients and fuels we can use. These often have value, as well as considerable potential for new product streams and new revenue.
Haarslev helps make this all happen, by providing the specialist knowhow and equipment needed to make sure rendering is a safe, healthy and financially viable activity. Which is why Haarslev is the world’s no. 1 provider of rendering and related processing solutions.